The full list of publications from June 2020 on can be found under AIMS-Publicaties.
We are very happy to be able to present different lines of research at IMSCOGS-2024 via different posters and oral presentations!
A list of posters with their pdfs are listed here below:
- Fahimeh Akbarian presents her work on the 1/f slope modulation induced by a visuoverbeal working memory task in multiple sclerosis. If you are interested to know how this modulation related to cognitive functioning check out her published paper in Multiple Sclerosis Journal here.
- Eva Keytsman presents her work on INO and its effect on cognitive scores - With special thanks to our Amsterdam colleagues. You can find the thesis here
- Delphine Van Laethem presents her work on cognitive fatigability in MS and event-related potentials. You can check her poster here.
- Duc Kien Nguyen presents his work on value of periodic and aperiodic EEG components for detecting impairment cognition in PwMS. You can find his poster here.
- Stijn Denissen presents his work on federated learning as a way to train AI models in multiple sclerosis on bigger data sets without sharing them. You can find his proof-of-concept work as a poster here, and read more here.
OHBM 2024
Fahimeh Akbarian will be presenting her work on 1/f spectral slope; check out her MSJ paper here:
Chiara Rossi and Fahimeh are currently presenting at BIOMAG 2022 Birmingham. Chiara is presenting on different preprocessing algorithms to assess event related fields ( BIOMAG 2022 Poster Chiara (1.86 MB) "pdf") and Fahimeh is presenting on her work providing a proof-of-concept of the 1/f rollof as biomarker of excitation/inhibition ratio in MS patients ( BIOMAG 2022 Poster Fahimeh (3.38 MB) "pdf").
OHBM 2022
We are very happy that AIMS will be present at OHBM 2022 in Glasgow! We are even happier that Chiara Rossi 's abstract on dynamic brain states during working memory has been accepted for an oral presentation! After the conference, we will upload her presentation here, but you can already have a look at her poster 2022-OHBM-Chiara_HC (1.88 MB) "pdf"
Also at HBM, Chiara will present her work on how multiple sclerosis affects the brain dynamics during the n-back task, you can check her poster here: 2022-OHBM-Chiara_MS (1.67 MB) "pdf"
At IMSCOGS 2022, the AIMS lab will present the following results:
We are very happy that Stijn will be able to present his work on Brain age as a surrogate marker of cognitive impairment in multiple sclerosis. If you want to re-digest all the information, you can read his preprint or check out his poster! IMSCOGS_2022_Denissen (7.59 MB) "pdf"
Stijn will further elaborate this work via federated learning (i.e. your data remains at your site); please feel free to reach out if you are interested!
We are also very happy to discuss the following research results through the poster session!
- If you want to know why you should always correct fMRI analyses for data quality when assessed in multiple sclerosis patients, check out Johan's work with this poster and this publication in Scientific Reports IMSCOGS_2022_Baijot (1.88 MB) "pdf"
- On the value of neurophysiological biomarkers in addition to traditional markers of brain atrophy to detect cognitive impairment, please see 2022_IMSCOGS_VanSchependom (8.17 MB) "pdf"
- A novel biomarker with a great potential to unravel the inner workings of the brain is the excitation/inhibition balance, Fahimeh Akbarian will explain how this brainmarker is associated with fatigue, one of the most important symptoms in MS: IMSCOGS_2022_Akbarian (546.65 KB) "pdf"
- if you want to assess the potential value of brain network organisation (assessed through resting-state EEG) to assess cognitive impairment in MS, check out Frederik's poster: IMSCOGS_2022_Vandesteen (949.19 KB) "pdf"
- Interested in how to move from a clinical examination of cognitive impairment to a digital one that will enable telemonitoring, check out Delphine's poster: IMSCOGS_2022_VanLaethem (1.03 MB) "pdf"
- Finally, we show that inter- and interhemispheric connectivity during an auditory oddball task (MEG) provide a promising biomarker for cognitive evolution in MS. Guy Nagels will be presenting his results during the poster session: IMSCOGS_2022_Nagels (10.99 MB) "pdf"
List of selected publications prior to June 2020
A selected list of publications from the cognition and modelling group prior to June 2020 can be found below.
Spatiotemporal and spectral dynamics of multi-item working memory as revealed by the n-back task using MEG.
Costers, L., Van Schependom, J., Laton, J., Baijot, J., Sjøgård, M., Wens, V., ... & Woolrich, M. (2020). Spatiotemporal and spectral dynamics of multi-item working memory as revealed by the n-back task using MEG. Human brain mapping.
Detecting neurodegenerative pathology in multiple sclerosis before irreversible brain tissue loss sets in.
Van Schependom J, Guldolf K, D'hooghe MB, Nagels G, D'haeseleer M.Transl Neurodegener. 2019 Dec 9;8:37. doi: 10.1186/s40035-019-0178-4. eCollection 2019.
The Impact of Cognitive Dysfunction on Locomotor Rehabilitation Potential in Multiple Sclerosis.
Denissen S, De Cock A, Meurrens T, Vleugels L, Van Remoortel A, Gebara B, D'Haeseleer M, D'Hooghe MB, Van Schependom J, Nagels G.J Cent Nerv Syst Dis. 2019 Nov 6;11:1179573519884041. doi: 10.1177/1179573519884041. eCollection 2019.
Altered transient brain dynamics in multiple sclerosis: Treatment or pathology?
Van Schependom, J., Vidaurre, D., Costers, L., Sjøgård, M., D'hooghe, M. B., D'haeseleer, M., ... & Nagels, G. (2019). Altered transient brain dynamics in multiple sclerosis: Treatment or pathology?. Human brain mapping, 40(16), 4789-4800.
Do the posterior midline cortices belong to the electrophysiological default-mode network?
Sjøgård M, De Tiège X, Mary A, Peigneux P, Goldman S, Nagels G, van Schependom J, Quinn AJ, Woolrich MW, Wens V.Neuroimage. 2019 Oct 15;200:221-230. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2019.06.052. Epub 2019 Jun 22.PMID: 31238165
Callosal circularity as an early marker for Alzheimer's disease.
Van Schependom J, Niemantsverdriet E, Smeets D, Engelborghs S.Neuroimage Clin. 2018 May 19;19:516-526. doi: 10.1016/j.nicl.2018.05.018. eCollection 2018.
Does including the full CVLT-II and BVMT-R improve BICAMS? Evidence from a Belgian (Dutch) validation study.
Costers, L., Gielen, J., Eelen, P. L., Van Schependom, J., Laton, J., Van Remoortel, A., ... & D’Haeseleer, M. (2017). Does including the full CVLT-II and BVMT-R improve BICAMS? Evidence from a Belgian (Dutch) validation study. Multiple sclerosis and related disorders, 18, 33-40.
The effect of task modality and stimulus frequency in paced serial addition tests on functional brain activity.
Gielen J, Wiels W, Van Schependom J, Laton J, Van Hecke W, Parizel PM, D'hooghe MB, Nagels G.PLoS One. 2018 Mar 15;13(3):e0194388. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0194388. eCollection 2018.
Targeting Cognitive Impairment in Multiple Sclerosis-The Road toward an Imaging-based Biomarker.
Van Schependom J, Nagels G.Front Neurosci. 2017 Jun 30;11:380. doi: 10.3389/fnins.2017.00380. eCollection 2017.
EEG Dominant Frequency Peak Differentiates Between Alzheimer's Disease and Frontotemporal Lobar Degeneration.
Goossens J, Laton J, Van Schependom J, Gielen J, Struyfs H, Van Mossevelde S, Van den Bossche T, Goeman J, De Deyn PP, Sieben A, Martin JJ, Van Broeckhoven C, van der Zee J, Engelborghs S, Nagels G.
Reliability of measuring regional callosal atrophy in neurodegenerative diseases.
Van Schependom J, Jain S, Cambron M, Vanbinst AM, De Mey J, Smeets D, Nagels G.Neuroimage Clin. 2016 Oct 15;12:825-831. doi: 10.1016/j.nicl.2016.10.012. eCollection 2016.
Assessing PML risk under immunotherapy: if all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.
Van Schependom J, Gielen J, Laton J, Nagels G.Mult Scler. 2016 Mar;22(3):389-92. doi: 10.1177/1352458515596458. Epub 2015 Jul 21.PMID: 26199353
PhD Theses
30/01/2024 - Stijn Denissen. Structural brain damage and cognition in MS: an AI approach
30/03/2023 - Johan Baijot. Neurophysiological aspects of cognitive deterioration in multiple sclerosis

27/04/2021 - Lars Costers. An MEG investigation into working memory impairment in MS
24/09/2018 - Jeroen Gielen - MRI measures in the assessment of cognitive function in MS

18/09/2017 - Jorne Laton - Machine learning techniques to improve the value of neurophysiological measurements for individual patients

05/05/2015 - Jeroen Van Schependom - Cognitive impairment in multiple sclerosis